Gaea Values

Gaea Values

Gaea values

Greek. meraki [may-rah- kee] (adjective) This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love -- when you put "something of yourself" into what you're doing, whatever it may be.

It’s a thrill to discover new flavour experiences, but eating food that is natural and free of additives, is what really gives a multi sensorial pleasure experience, one that is guilt free and can only do good. With Gaea, you can achieve all the amazing results you desire, whilst doing good to your body and the earth, making sure you can be proud of what you serve on your table, or consume in your body.

All ingredients that enter our facilities are checked meticulously in order to ensure everything is of the Gaea standard! 

These are not that hard to list to be quite frank, everything needs to be natural, certified and fully traceable to it's source. From there on it is a matter of Meraki, all our products are first adored by the team and then we would send them to our consumer, who we heavily involve in the process. And for this our products receive many awards every year!


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